Monday, September 23, 2013

Hydrangeas Everywhere!!

Last week we did 47 centerpieces for a luncheon.  What a treat it was to have a whole studio full of hydrangeas!!   Definitely one of my favorite flowers.  Traditionally a wedding flower, hydrangeas are becoming more popular for other events as they are available year round in most areas of the country. 

They LOVE cold water, so that is key in keeping the flowers fresh and alive!  I submerged these beauties in FREEZING cold water after cutting the stems at a slight angle.  They will drink water really fast, so it is crucial that they stay well hydrated!

Look for pics of the event later this week!

Before I go, HAPPY FALL!!!  My favorite season is finally here!  Celebrating with pumpkin spice coffee and a pumpkin bagel today!!  How are you celebrating fall this week??!!