Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fall LOVE!!!!

Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE FALL!!!!I love every little thing about it.  Cool temps, falling leaves, boots, sweaters and pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING!  (I may or may not have at least 5 pumpkin flavored food/drink items in my house right now.  And maybe a candle or 2!)  I just love how warm and cozy this time of year is.  I love it SO much, that my hubby and I picked the month of October to get married, 9 years ago!!  WOW!

Fall is such a romantic time of year to get married.  While I LOVE love my spring and summer weddings, I have a special place in my heart for fall weddings. 

I have been working on a few quotes this week that will take place on Halloween, so the colors are rich and deep and the textures just jump out at you.  The best part is, the arrangements involve pumpkins!  I can't wait to show you the final products next week!

Until then, here are a few pictures to drool over that I found on Pinterest.  (Duh, where else would I be spending my free time!!??)


Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Little Pinterest Love

  Anyone else feel a slight obsession with Pinterest??  I almost feel a little guilty for the amount of time I spend searching bouquet and centerpiece ideas!  (And, I'll admit it, I am usually looking at the food section as well!!  But that is a story for another time!) 

Pinterest has become a brides best friend!  When I got married, (back in the old days) we had nothing in the way of social media, let alone a place on the Internet to find inspiration and ideas.  I mean, there was no Facebook!  I'm not really sure what I did with all that free time:)  Maybe I read a book or 2, talked to someone on the phone or even face to face!!  My how things have changed!

I typically use Pinterest to find inspiration photos that I can use to illustrate ideas to brides. (Although,  I am so school, I still really like to show brides pictures from books and magazine!) I typically ask brides to send me the link to their Pinterest page so I can see all of the ideas they are cooking up!  I also share mine page because I am pinning like crazy these days!! 

For most of my brides, I will offer to create a board just for them.  That way we can share ideas anytime, anywhere!  This is great for my out of town brides! 

With a 5 month old, sometimes I am up in the middle of the night.  Usually I am  pinning while I feed the baby!  The worst part about my late night pinning is my mind starts to race and even after he is back to sleep, I am wide awake!!  Oh my mind!

 Feel free to stop by and check out my boards.  I am all over the place with what I pin!  Food, home design, ideas for the kiddos!!  But my flower boards, those are my favorites!!! 

What are you pinning these days??

Happy Pinning!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Finding Inspiration


As with any design profession, it is important to study and stay current with trends and techniques.  I love to see what florists in other parts of the country are doing and what flowers they are using.  It helps   me to stay fresh and hopefully helps me to grow as a floral designer.  I study blogs and websites and always feel super inspired by the amazing work being done by florists all over the country. 

One florist that is not only super talented, but a really sweet person is Kelly Mendenhall of Three Leaf Floral.  Located in Grand Junction Colorado, Kelly is a stay at home mom like myself and is producing beautiful florals for weddings.  I love to glance through her portfolio for inspiration. She creates beautiful bouquets and boutonnieres, each one being so unique.  Kelly has been so gracious to me and offered me a lot of wonderful advice on the business side of things! Thanks Kelly!!  Please take a look at her website; you will be so glad you did!

Another website that I stalk is a little shop in Minneapolis MN called Spruce.  I had the chance to visit their store while on vacation in the Twin Cities last summer.  Their approach to design is “simple and organic” and it is so true.  They have a unique style that looks effortless, but takes such talent to construct.  They do weddings, events, classes, you name it, they do it.  As a former interior designer, I have to say I love the look and feel of their shop as well!  Light and airy, just like their floral designs!


The last florist that I really love to keep up with is Cori Cook floral design.  Cori and her staff are located in Denver Colorado and they are mega talented!  I can’t find one thing about their aesthetic that I don’t love.  From large and lavish to vintage and rustic, they pretty much can do it all and it looks fantastic! 
I am feeling totally inspired today!  What talented and amazing florists these ladies are!